Sunday 19 October 2008

October Ride Report

Octobers mass was great fun. There was a good turnout, with many new faces and old. The numbers really helped this month. The response from drivers was much more respectful and the Mass had a real presence on the road.

At one point, there was one hire cab driver that allowed the whole mass to manouvre in front of him as we changed lane to turn right, the massers waved and thanked him, and there was no bad feeling. Some other people were doing an excellent job corking aswell, allowing the mass to pass through junctions safely. See Liverpool Indymedia for more photos.

After , the film "We are Traffic" was shown in the Liverpool Social Centre, after much tea and delicious vegan soup.

Numbers have been looking good recently. Please make an effort to get out to the next one 14th November, and tell your friends.

Also, join the facebook group by searching for "Critical Mass Liverpool".

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