Friday, 26 November 2010

Merseyside Transport Plan! Act Quick!

A Transport Plan is being drawn up for Merseyside to cover the period 2011 - 2024, and there is currently public consultation until 30 November.

Why not have your say by emailing using the Title “LTP3 Consultation” and just use the suggested text (edit as applicable):

Dear Sir/Madam,

I am writing to give my view concerning Merseyside’s Third Local Transport Plan.

(a) I would like the speed limit in the road where I live to be 20 mph / 30 mph (delete as applicable)
(b) I would like the speed limit at my local shops to be 20 mph / 30 mph
(c) For every £100 of my taxes spent on the roads, I would like £*** to be spent on facilities for motor vehicles and £*** to be spent on walking and cycling (fill in)
(d) My post code is ***

I also think ***


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