Friday, 19 September 2008

Cycling in Liverpool on the rise

The Olympics has been a great source of inspiration it seems for many people. I'm sure I'm seeing twice the number of cyclists on Liverpool's roads. Perhaps it's just that the weather is getting better...........

Last Monday saw a "Ride-In" event at the Static gallery in Roscoe street showing short films, reflecting on city life, space and how we interact with it. Over 40 cyclists turned up for the free showing in the gallery / bar. Later on we set off en mass for a magical moonlit ride down to the Pier head through the city centre.

I have also heard from other sources that some other large art spaces in Liverpool are interested in cycling and cycling events. There's no doubt about it, cycling seems to be having a very healthy resurgence, and I'll be interested to see how it moves on in the next year.

I heard recently that if there were significantly more cyclists on Liverpool roads, the the number of accidents involving cyclists would not rise by much if at all. The more we use our bikes and are visible to drivers, there more they will watch out for us. Checkout the amazing awareness test at and please send the link to as many people as you know! Also come to Critical Mass and enjoy the amazing security that comes from riding in a large group. See this post for more info.


Coming up soon is a Cycling Fair at Liverpool University Guild on Thursday 2nd Oct, 10pm til 4pm. I have heard that there'll be a number of local bike sellers there, so it should be worth a look. If you're on Facebook see the event at

A week later, on Friday 10th is the next Critical Mass, followed by a Critical Mass film night at 7pm at Next To Nowhere See here for more information.

And finally, for your daily musing pleasure, I've recently found Dilbert on 2 wheels. Yehuda Moon comic gives you a daily cycling related strips, a thought for the day about our interaction in society as Cyclists. See

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