See below the message from Andrew Grimbley of the Merseyside Cycling Campaign. Try and roll out of bed early on Weds and make it down.
We need your support on Wednesday 22nd July at 0815. It would be great to have as many people as possible turn up at the cycle stands next to the main road facing entrance of Liverpool South Parkway rail station to show that we are not impressed that the previously excellent cycle facilities have been removed to make way for a Business Lounge. Please join me at 0815 sharp for photo opportunity where as many bicycle as possible will be locked to the available Sheffield Stands to show that the present cycle parking is inadequate.
Further to the recent works carried out at Liverpool South Parkway rail station, Merseyside Cycling Campaign has been in correspondence to Merseytravel to express disappointment that has resulted in fewer less secure cycle spaces at the station. We are also disappointed that Merseytravel carried out no consultation before removing the previous cycle parking, especially in the case of a station that has won many awards and accolades for sustainability. We will be using the photo opportunity to ask for improved secure station cycle parking at stations across Merseyside.
The excellent bike parking as it was;