Friday 15 May 2009

May Ride

We had great fun out on the may ride. Nice to see the same faces again and get more names. I had great time. We had a guy with a camera following us by bike, filming the whole thing. Should appear on youtube sometime soon. As we went round the Albert Dock, a security guard told us that we weren't able to film on private property. I wonder if this also applies to tourists with Digicams?

The river mersey was beautiful as we wound our way round the echo arena. After, a good number found their way over the the Cain's Brewery Tap. There's great parking there and isn't that full. The Brewery tours seem to keep it propped up. Graham told tales of when he first came to Liverpool that you could so the brewery tour for less than £3, and it included two pints and a finger buffet when you finished!!

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